Give your non-profit a boost

We’ve been helping to give marketing a boost to support Stop UK Homeless campaign, if you can help support this great cause please do so.  January is our nonprofit month where we’re offering tips and ideas on helping you to tell your story, engage with your fans and get the results you desire.  Here’s some ideas for you to adopt over the months ahead.

Email marketing isn’t dead

…far from it! According to Nonprofit Technology Network open rates, click through, response rates and unsubscribe rates were down and yet email revenue grew by 25% compared to 19% of online revenue growth online. What does this tell you? Email marketing for nonprofits still works. Try an A/B email split test which will help you to pinpoint which version of your campaigns is the most effective.

Leveraging social media is big business with nonprofits

Nonprofits see the benefits on social media and if you’re not using social media then you’re missing out on this fast growing area. You’ll have a good story to tell so use video which is one of the fastest growing form of media. Check out YouTube Charities Programme. Creating a Facebook page is a must, with more than 100 million people using Facebook via their phone every month and this is rising. There are so many things you can do, check out these tips by Social Media Examiner.

You have to put the time and effort in

As with everything in life, you get out what you put in and social media for your nonprofit s definitely no different.  Yes, you are very busy and probably working on an extremely limited budget but you have to devote time into the planning and execution process. Have you thought about hiring a student or trainee with whom you can trust your social media presence? There are lots of people looking for work experience either paid or gratis.

If you should require help, support or training on how to give your good cause a marketing boost, please contact Ann Davies via LinkedIn or via our contact form.  Ann will be happy to help you.

Or Ann will get back to you

Please call 07752 539719 or complete the form below and Ann will contact you.